African Leadership College of Higher Education
Our learning model is a synthesis of deeply held institutional beliefs about the unique value proposition of an ALCHE Education such as: Learning by doing, Experiential Learning, Missions not Majors, and Excellence at Scale.
Learners are encouraged to take ownership over their growth and develop adaptive learning strategies for continuous and independent learning. We support them with scaffolding that will give them the confidence and tools they need to be successful.
At ALU, We aim to promote curiosity and learning that is unbound. Our learners are encouraged to pursue their interests and prototype their ideas drawing on inquiry led principles to facilitate continuous discovery, iterative design and transformative learning.
Our learners are expected to immerse themselves in the challenges and opportunities of the real world, using reflexive praxis in a process of sense-making to weave meaning and purpose from a diversity of lived experiences.
Most learning is not the result of instruction in a dedicated physical space. We leverage how people naturally learn and avail a range of learning environments and experiences to cater for a diverse learner body.
As children, we naturally engage with and make sense of a complex world through play, but our education drives us away from those instincts. We believe in the power of strategic playfulness in liberating our learners’ imaginative capabilities to manage increasing levels of complexity
Our students will create and translate theories of themselves and the world around them into concrete impact through meaningful projects that are value-aligned and contextualized to local subjectivities.
Students graduate with: